This is a gap list for the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater level, Warehouse.
CHANNEL GAP At the start of the level, you go down a roll-in. At the end of the roll-in, on either side there is a quarter pipe. Jump from one quarter pipe, across the roll-in, and land on the other quarter pipe.
FACE PLANT Go to the area where you got to the letter 'E' is in career mode. What you have to do is launch from the ramp, and then fly all the way over to that wall and crash into it. It helps if you do a wall ride so you can get the distance.
KICKER 2 LEDGE Somewhere around the warehouse level you should find two small wooden ramps facing each other with a small gap between them. Jump from the kicker ramp to the small ledge.
KICKER GAP Somewhere around the warehouse level you should find two small wooden ramps facing each other with a small gap between them. To do this gap, simply jump from one ramp to the other.
OVER THE PIPE Jump over the top of the half pipe.
SECRET ROOM There is a room with glass walls above the half pipe, where the Secret Tape is located. For this gap, jump through the room and out the other side without touching the floor, and you will get the Secret Room gap. You cannot do this gap without jumping over the half pipe, so it counts the two gaps together.
TAXI GAP Get a lot of speed from the quarter pipe that goes across the back of the warehouse, and then jump from the taxi all the way into the half pipe.
BIG RAIL In the middle of the level is a large green rail with a curve in it. Grind the whole rail to get the 'Big Rail' gap. This is a pretty easy gap, but can get you a lot of points depending on what tricks you do on it.
DECK 2 RAIL Work your way around the level until you find a deck near the green rail. Get a lot of speed from the quarter pipe, and then jump from this deck to the rail.
HIGH RAIL Above the quarter pipe that lines the back of the warehouse is a high rail on the wall. I used a fast plant to get up here, but it can be done just by jumping onto it. You need to grind the whole rail for this gap.
HOLY SHI... A very difficult gap. Grind the whole quarterpipe at the back of the warehouse.
MONSTER GRIND To get this gap, grind along the high rail, jump onto the quarter pipe and grind along that, and then jump onto the green rail.
TAXI 2 LEDGE Jump from the taxi, all the way over to the green rail where you get the Big Rail gap.
TRANSITION GRIND Go to the area where you got to the letter 'E' is in career mode. What you have to do is launch from the quarter pipe, and then fly all the way over to a grind on the ramp near the wall.