Tony Hawk's Games Wiki

Streets render.

Streets is a game level in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater. Most recently, remastered in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2.


Streets level is located in San Francisco and includes several spots from San Francisco such as Lombard Street, Hubba Hideout, China Town, Clock Tower, Embarcadero Pier, Vaillancourt Fountain etc. Most of them appeared in Animal Chin movie, starring Tony Hawk.



  • High Score - 25,000 Points
  • Wreck 5 Cop Cars
  • Get S-K-A-T-E
  • Hidden Tape
  • Pro Score - 50,000 Points

THPS 1+2[]

To unlock in a career, 2 Medals need to be earned in both the Chicago and Burnside competition levels.

  • High Score - 50,000 Points
  • Pro Score - 125,000 Points
  • Sick Score - 250,000 Points
  • High Combo - 40,000 Points
  • Wreck 5 Cop Cars
  • Collect S-K-A-T-E
  • Collect 5 Life Preservers
  • Nosegrab the Hubba Gap
  • 5-0 Around the Fountain
  • Get the Secret Tape

Quotes from the Police Radio[]

  • "Car 54, where are you?"
  • "Calling all cars. Suspect's skating east on Main. Shoot to kill."
  • "Car 69, we have a rockstar down your area. Over."
  • "I'm calling for ambush. I got a gun here. Requesting backup."


  • You can find the San Francisco Cable Car riding around the Streets.
  • The Skater can't grind the Cable Car railroad.
  • Until THPS1+2, Streets was the only THPS1 level that never got remade throughout the entire franchise (although the San Francisco level in THPS4 can be considered an expansion of this one).
  • There is some Graffiti that reads; "SPANKY T2 DLUX". This is referencing the professional skateboarder Kevin "Spanky" Long. This implies that he is in fact driving the "VW T2 Deluxe Van" that is driving in circles around the roads of the level.
  • Streets saw multiple changes throughout Pro Skater 1's development. A notable change made shown in a very early beta shows that the piece of architecture showing the texture of a sun carving was initially a texture of an alien face; no explanation was given for this texture, however this was most likely a placeholder texture.
    • Another noticeable change from a pre-release beta shows a shop entrance near the EMB area that was removed from the final version
  • One of the cops can be heard saying "Car 54, where are you?" which is the name of a television sitcom of the same name.

External links[]


Tony Hawk's Pro Skater levels
WarehouseSchoolMallChicagoDowntownDownhill JamBurnsideStreetsRoswell