Note: Any gaps involving jumping over the molten pit must be done while the bucket is not pouring molten iron over it; touching the stream counts as a bail.
Launch off one of the QP's around the entrance of the generator room (behind the starting point) and land on the other.
Hardway Over the Hot Tub
Jump over the molten pit by launching off the kicker below.
Just Passin' Through
Next to the water tub, at the bottom level, there is a narrow, triangle-shaped kicker. Launch off it and over the walkway around the tub.
Over The Pipe
Jump over the half-pipe at the middle.
Poolside Over Under Gap
Jump over the water tub by launching off the QP next to it (use Boneless to get enough air).
Roll In Transfer
Launch off one of the QP's around the central ramp coming down from the starting point, and land on the other.
Up And Over!!!
Launch off any of the kickers at the starting point and over one of the catwalks ahead.
Gap Name
How to Get
Back End Rail 2 Rail
Grind the yellow rail behind the control booth, then jump from it into another grind at the edge of the QP next to the booth.
Catwalk Grind
Launch off the half-pipe at the middle into a grind onto one of the catwalks above. Can also be done from the kickers at the start of the stage.
Don't Look Down!
Launch off the kicker at the high ledge above the control room to the platform at the left, then at the end of it launch off the ramp and land on a grind on the ventilation duct.
From the back of the stage (the molten pit area), launch off the QP to the right into a lip trick on the iron bars above the furnaces.
High Voltage Walkway Up
In the generator room, launch off the pool at the bottom (must be done near the entrance) into a lip trick on the spiral walkway above (at least two levels above the edge of the ramp).
Low Current Walkway Lip
In the generator room, launch off the pool at the bottom (must be done near the entrance) into a lip trick on the spiral walkway above (one level above the edge of the ramp).
Nice View Up Here!
Launch off any of the QP's by the control room onto a lip trick on the high rail.