Gap Name
How to Get
Ahhh! My Head!
Grind the top of the totem pole just outside the skatepark.
Air Over The Blade Grind
Next to the parking lot, there's a bulldozer right between a pair of wooden fences. Grind from one of these fences to the other. You may or may not use the bulldozer's blade, the gap will still count.
Airin' Up And Out
All That Glitters
At the top of the wooden walkway around the large tree (the respawn point after falling into the stream), grind from the rope on the left to the one ahead, on the opposite end.
Antenna Stomp
In the skatepark, there is a QP flanked by two ramps right in front of the 90-degree pool at the corner. At the top of this QP, there is an antenna whose wire extends to a triangle corner block leading to the parking lot. Launch off this QP onto the wire holding forward, then grind the wire.
Around The Horn
On the wooden walkway around the large tree, where you respawn after falling into the stream, grind the rope to your right as the path turns left at speed, then keep your grind to hit the following rope (the Look, MA! No Talent gap described below) and hold the grind until the end of this rope.
Banner Ad Dot Com
Grind the top of the two adboards at the lower part of the parking lot, one after the other.
Big Air Fence Stomp
Bowl To Bowl
Grind from the edge of one pool to the edge of another pool.
Bowl To Rail
Grind from the edge of the pool near the totem pole to a rail.
Breezy Pants Gap
Chainsaw Buzzin'
Grind from the log that leads to the raised ramp area to the rail next to the generator. Note that it needs to be from the log itself, not the rail above it.
Corral To Tree Grind
Grind from the top of the corral QP around the big tree to the protruding root near the skatepark.
Crossover The Easy Way
Grind one of the rails on the downslope of the parking lot, then at the end, jump to the rail in front of the other rail (in other words, take the rail that is in a diagonal position from yours).
Crossover The Hard Way
Curb Bomb
Launch off one of the kickers surrounding the cars at the parking lot and land on a curb grinding.
Curb Hoppin
Grind from the kicker to the left of the starting point to the curb next to it, or vice versa.
Cut The Corner
While grinding the top of the skatepark fence, jump to the next section whenever it takes a 90-degree turn.
Dead Man's Slide
Grind the log right in front of your respawn point after falling into the stream, then grind the next one (which leads to the raised ramp).
Dozer Blade Gap
Grind from one curb to the other on the parking lot, jumping over the section separated by the bulldozer.
Enim Detnuah Eht
Grind the gray rail that you used to activate the generator, and hold the grind to grind the top of the corral QP. The gap will register a few inches in.
Fence Bomb
Launch off one of the kickers surrounding the cars at the parking lot and land on the wooden white fence or on the skatepark fence grinding.
Fence Hoppin
Grind from the wooden fence or the skatepark fence to any other nearby grindable surface, or vice versa.
Fence Transfer
Grind from the top of the large QP at the end of the skatepark to the park fence.
Flying Fenceman
Grind from the top of the 90-degree QP in the skatepark near the frozen stream to the fence.
Flying Fence Stomp
Funbox To Rail Stomp
Launch off the kicker of the ledge behind the 90-degree QP near the parking lot and land on a grind on top of that QP.
Go Long and Grind
Grind from the skatepark fence to the ledge behind the 90-degree QP near the parking lot. (THUG2 only)
Good Eye!
Grind The Pine
Grind any branch of the large tree (liptricks also work).
Hillside Rail Stomp
Hitch Knot Gap
After the Tree Air Gap, grind the rope to your left past the tree trunk, then at the end jump off it and grind the rope on the wooden walkway below (like in the Still Bootleggin' path).
IPO Funding
Grind from one of the rails at the lower end to the parking lot to one of the adboards next to it.
Is Not Gold
... Just Went Bankrupt
Grind from one of the adboards at the lower end of the parking lot to one of the rails next to it.
Look, MA! No Talent
On the walkway where you respawn after falling into the stream, grind the rope ahead of you (to your right when the path turns) and hold the grind so that you will automatically grind the next rope. Note: you need to grind at speed, or else you will not grind the next rope.
Mandatory Videogame Mine Cart Ride
Mine Cart Launch
After raising the ramp in the woodlands area and launching to the walkways ahead, there are two sets of mine cart rails. Grind the left rail, right next to the mountain, all the way to the end, and from there, grind the lamppost wire.
Mountain Man Mine Stomp
Nice Save, Cheater
Nice Shootin'...
Over The Hump
When grinding the fence at the back of the skatepark, jump over the raised part behind the three roll-in ramps and land on a grind on the other side. No need to overshoot the entire hump; only ollieing past the highest part will count, as long as you keep grinding the fence when you land.
Park To Lot Launch
Grind the top of the skatepark fence, then jump and land on a grind on one of the rails at the lower end of the parking lot.
Parking Lot Mini Gap
Grind from one of the rails at the lower end of the parking lot to the other directly ahead.
Prospector Path
Grind from the rope to the left of the respawn point after falling into the stream (the same where you start All That Glitters) to the log that leads to the generator area.
Rail Bank Shot
Grind from the white curved rail near the totem pole to the red curved rail nearby.
Rail Cheater
Make the reverse path of Rail Bank Shot. This can be done by keep the grind button held, due to how close the end of the red rail is to the white rail.
Rail To Bowl
Grind from the white rail to the edge of the pool next to it.
Rail Stomp
Grind from the top of the long QP coming from the back of the skatepark to the curved red rail (near the totem pole).
Sap Slapper
Launch from the ramp where you start up to the walkway behind, like in Climb The Tree, but land on a grind on the rope at the right side of the walkway.
Saved By The Generator
Jump from the log leading to the back of the woodlands area straight to the top of the generator, in such a way that you don't fall into the water below (using Combo Run Out is helpful in getting this gap in THUG2).
Smooth As Silk
Steam Stomp!
The Haunted Mine
Make the reverse path of Enim Detnuah Eht: grind from the top of the corral QP to the gray rail next to the generator.
The Log QP!
Grind the full extension of the top of the corral QP.
The Old Wing Dam
Grind the extension of the center log over the stream (the part where you can fall in).
The Rush Is On
Tree To Corral Grind
Grind from the protruding root outside the skatepark to the top of the corral QP.
Walkin' The Riffles
Whoa. That Was Cool.
Launch off the corral QP over the wooden walkway above in such a way that you land in a grind on the logs over the stream.